sky puddle studies

A puddle is a portal. A window. A conversation between the ground and sky.
An invitation to pause and consider the world in a surprising new way.
A view of above, as seen from below.

After it rains, I love to walk in search of the luminous windows that open up underneath us. Mysterious vistas that only appear if you’re looking for them.

These photographs are part of an on going project I call sky puddle studies, in which I practice paying attention to the sky while staring at the ground, which is only possible because of the nature of water and its relationship to light; that it can be both transparent and a reflective surface at the same time. To me these photographs feel like poetic puzzles that subtly rewire my brain, and remind me to stay open to sudden and unexpected experiences of beauty and awe, especially the ones right under my feet.


Patchwork Garments

